Feel Like a Super Hero

 How do You Leverage Your Health to Feel Like a Superhero?
The 9  Steps to Dramatically Improve Your Health and Happiness E-Course is what you need.

You will recieve 9 Weeks of Lessons on healthful living.
Each week you will recieve a different course module with
exercises you can do to help you incorporate healthful principles into your daily life.

  • Module 1 – Proper Nutrition
    Eat your whole foods whole. You will be exposed to exercises to help you incorporate better eating habits.
  • Module 2 – Lots of Water
    Drink water to remove toxins from your body. Dehydration is the other of all diseases. So, hydrate your internal organs. Also, water is great for depression.
  • Module 3 – Energizing Rest
    Retire 3 – 4 hours before midnight and try to sleep 7- 8 hours a night. Also, on the 7th day of the week take a sabbatical from work, school, and bills to rest, laugh, and relate with family and friends. This will recharge your T-Cells, keeping your immune system well-functioning.
  • Module 4 – Always Temperate
    Avoid doing, saying and eating the things that hurt your body, mind and spirit. Temperance means to be balanced in all things. Ex., don’t overwork, sleep or eat. Also, don’t under work, sleep or eat. Each side will have its own negative effects.
  • Module 5 – Simulating SunshineGet one hour of sun daily. Early morning or late evening sun is best. The sun is great for hormone production and mood elevation.
  • Module 6 – Ultimate Trust in Divine Power   Recognize your stressors and handle them. Depend upon God for the restoration of your health and situations.
  • Module 7 – Regular Exercise
    Move regularly to keep your physical structure supple. Exercise helps with weight loss, high blood pressure, high sugar and high cholesterol.
  • Module 8 – Enjoyable Air
    Exercise and relax in the open air, under trees and by water as much as possible to oxygenate your cells. Oxygen is also necessary for digestion, waste elimination, parasite control and brain functioning.
  • Module 9 – Savoring Life’s Blessings
    Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness, gratitude, and praise. These three sisters promote health of body, mind, and spirit more than anything else.

You can purchase the ECourse here. Click this link for a deep discount. The regular cost is $47. For taking this seminar with us you will recieve a 50% dicount. You will also recieve my vegan soulfood recipe guide.