Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Do you have poor circulation, digestion, and elimination?
Do you feel sluggish and lethargic?
Do you have dull aches and pains?

What is Constitutional Hydrotherapy?
Constitutional Hydrotherapy (CH) is a flexible clinical system of treatment that combines alternating hot and cold towel application to the torso and possibly back depending upon the health condition treated. The result is an improvement of blood circulation, to the vital organs. Constitutional hydrotherapy is a powerful non-invasive way to support the body’s natural healing processes to improve digestion and elimination, stimulate the vital force, and generally tonify the body. In addition, it is very useful for acute and chronic illnesses.

How Often should I do Constitutional Hydrotherapy?
A treatment session can balance calm muscular tension promoting pain relief, substantially fortify the immune system, and encourage lymphatic cleansing throughout the body. The treatment can be tailored to the patient’s conditions.

Sessions may last up to 60 minutes and are scheduled one to two times a month for chronic conditions such as autoimmune diseases, inflammation, and pain, and up to 8 times a month (twice a week) for acute conditions such as pneumonia and viral/bacterial infections.

What health challenges can CH help?
Alleviate a wide range of immune system and organ system dysfunctions
Helpful for acute and recurring infections
Beneficial for varicose veins
Cardiovascular disease
High and low blood pressure (hypertension and hypotension)
Stimulates the lymph, liver, gallbladder, and kidneys which are at the center of the excretory system, responsible for discharging waste and toxins.
Tonify digestion,
Regain digestive vitality
Tonifies the reproductive organs